Product Disclaimer

The information about our products as    available in        our Health           Guide is not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or   cure any disease. This information is intended as an introduction to value addition   in   life    through supplements. Our products aim at maintaining holistic balance in body and     immunity level but are no way substitute of physicians’ diagnosis. We are      not medical professionals or researchers and we cannot prescribe what product can cure your        disease. We cannot answer medical questions to prescribe cures, treatment or to guess what is wrong with you. Consult your doctor about your health       conditions and use our supplements for value addition in life. Any product used in excessive amounts will invite problems. Blue Vision Shall Be responsible for the quality of products only if such products are bought from authorized distributors.     The buyer shall be solely responsible for all consequences for the purchase and      use of products bought from unauthorized sources including unauthorized websites, E-commerce marketplace or unauthorized party.

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